A 12 minute whirlwind tour of the event sof 2006 as heard on Buzz Out Loud. Buzz Out Loud episodes are released in their original audio form. Some metadata supplementation and/or correction has been done for SEO, clarification, or as a product of data migration. Please report errors to buzztownrecovery@gmail.com. This episode originally published by …
Month: December 2006
Buzzcast 12/21/2006 – 2006 Results show
Tom and Veronica comment on last year’s predictions show and judge who did best in predicting the events of 2006. Buzz Out Loud episodes are released in their original audio form. Some metadata supplementation and/or correction has been done for SEO, clarification, or as a product of data migration. Please report errors to buzztownrecovery@gmail.com. This …
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BuzzCast 12/20/2006 – 2007 Fabulous Prediction Show!
What will be big in 2007? Find out now! Maybe. Buzz Out Loud episodes are released in their original audio form. Some metadata supplementation and/or correction has been done for SEO, clarification, or as a product of data migration. Please report errors to buzztownrecovery@gmail.com. This episode originally published by CNet on 12/20/2006. https://media.blubrry.com/buzztownarchive/content.pwc-networks.com/bol/audio/cnetbuzz_122006_i.mp3Podcast: Play in …
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BuzzCast 12/20/2006 – Your Web site makes me sick
No, seriously. It makes me physically ill. We redesigned CNET for a reason, folks! Just kidding. Anyhow, today is a day of class action lawsuits: Sony finally settled their rootkit cases in Texas and California, and Nintendo is facing a suit of their own over the Wiimote straps. ‘Tis the season to be suing! Buzz …
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BuzzCast 12/19/2006 – Internet illegal Down Under
Could it be the end of the Internet as we know it? Yes, if certain people (who just don’t get it) in Australia have their way! Linking to anything copyrighted would become illegal, which would bring the Internet to a grinding halt. Let’s hope that’s not how it goes. Buzz Out Loud episodes are released …
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BuzzCast 12/18/2006 – Once in a GooMoon
We’ve got phone rumors up the wazoo today! First, the iPhone isn’t exactly what we were anticipating. At all. Second, Google and Orange are planning their own phone together, designed by HTC. Finally, make sure to stick around for the end of the podcast. You won’t regret it! Buzz Out Loud episodes are released in …
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BuzzCast 12/15/2006 – DivX goes high-def
Maybe we’ll get a little more excited about the format wars now that there’s a third competitor: DivX. Hopefully its version of high-definition discs will be less expensive, possibly even driving down the prices of HD DVD and Blu-ray. Or, maybe we should just wait for the next gen. Buzz Out Loud episodes are released …
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BuzzCast 12/14/2006 – Bill Gates hates DRM
Oh, you read right. Bill Gates thinks you should just buy CDs and rip them! I’m liking this guy more and more every day. Speaking of which, eMusic sold its 100 millionth DRM-free song! Music execs, take note. Buzz Out Loud episodes are released in their original audio form. Some metadata supplementation and/or correction has …
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BuzzCast 12/13/2006 – Toasted RFID tag: Yum!
Toasting really does make everything taste better, doesn’t it? Today, Skype is really cranking up the deals and services, hopefully to stay ahead of competitor Vonage. But goodwill is being done by the Piratebay, which is trying to stand up for AllofMP3.com. I guess someone has to! Buzz Out Loud episodes are released in their …
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BuzzCast 12/12/2006 – Attitude control
This episode really shows what I know about controlling spacecraft (which frankly, isn’t much). But the real news of the day is that Ted Tubes Stevens’ telecom bill has died, at least for this year. Netizens, rejoice! Buzz Out Loud episodes are released in their original audio form. Some metadata supplementation and/or correction has been …
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